Monkey Temple – Galtaji, Jaipur

Monkey Temple Galtaji, Jaipur

Monkeys are an inevitable part of Indian history and culture. Whether you associate them with the ‘Banar Sena’ or the Monkey army of Hanuman from the legend of Ramayana, or Gandhi ji mentioning the philosophy of three wise monkeys during the Swadesh movement, this specific animal has an enormous contribution to Indian cultural heritage—and Galtaji temple or Monkey Temple one of the most prominent temples in Rajasthan dedicated to monkeys. A huge number of monkeys reside in the temple complex, which has been filmed by National Geographic (in the name of Rebel Monkeys).

History of the Temple

Monkey Temple Galtaji, Jaipur, is one of the unique temples in Rajasthan that has a very interesting past. Galtaji temple is massively relevant due to its contribution to the Hindu community. It is believed that the famous Saint Galtav used to do his Tapasya or Meditation practice here in the Sataya Yuga for decades. To honour the Saint, Diwan Rao Kirparam, a Rajput Advisor, built the temple. The advisor was close to the contemporary Rajput Ruler, Sawai Jai Singh II.

During the 15th Century, Payohari Krishnadas, a Ramanandi sadhu, used to drive a massive meditation practice in the temple. Not only that, during the Mughal Empire, Akbar used to visit the Galtaji temple. He has also allotted 2592 bighas or acres for the temple development.

How to get there

Several Rajasthan tour packages include a visit to the Galtaji temple. But you can also visit the place on your own. There are two ways you can see this Galtaji temple. The first method is quite straightforward. It is also an idea for the nearby visitors. In this method, visitors need to hire a taxi or auto to reach the temple directly. The second way is to climb up to Galtaji from the Western part of Jaipur City. This route is particularly popular for offering a stunning view of the sun temple (another famous tourist attraction of Jaipur, Rajasthan).

Entry fee

Galtaji temple authority does not charge any money for the temple visit. However, you are free to donate money while visiting the temple (in the name of the temple and community welfare). Also, you can feed those monkeys residing in the temple complex to gain blessings.

Opening and closing times

Knowing the opening and closing hours is essential before visiting the temple. It will craft your travel plan accordingly and ensure a hassle-free visit. The Galtaji temple is open from 5:00 am to 9.00 pm throughout the week. So, you can visit any time of the week between 5 am to 9 pm.

The best time to visit

The best time to visit Galtaji temple is dusk, when the temple is gleaming with golden rays of sunset. You can see several monkeys playing around the complex. Plus, you can get a mesmerising panoramic view of Jaipur and the nearby sun temple from the temple complex.

Things to do

Galtaji temple is a photogenic place where you can capture the activities of the monkeys, the beautiful architecture of the temple and your family members. You can also visit one famous tourist attraction close to the temple complex named Sisodia Rani Ka Bagh. You can learn more about it from local tour operators for Rajasthan.


Galtaji temple is one of the most famous temples in Rajasthan. The temple is dedicated to monkeys when a massive group of monkeys peacefully. The temple celebrates the contribution of monkeys or langurs to Indian culture and history. Above, we have discussed everything you need to know about this unique temple of monkeys.

Posted by Sarika Chauhan

Ghum India Ghum is one of the leading travel company in Delhi which offers tours for all parts of India. We have our destination expert for all important destinations in India and Abroad. Our journey started in 2014 with a prime motive of providing hassle free services to all our guests.

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