The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW) has issued new guidelines for international visitors to India. The new guidelines will go into effect on February 14, 2022. Ghum India Ghum being a leading travel agents in Delhi and Tour operators for India is here with a recent travel update.
The government has decided to relax many risk mitigation measures for international travellers under the revised guidelines. According to the new guidelines, there is no longer any differentiation of travellers based on “at risk” countries.
Passengers from “at risk” countries were currently required to undergo a Covidi9 test upon arrival and wait for the test report before departing the arriving port. Even if they tested negative, they had to stay at home for 7 days and upload a new test report on the eighth day. Do visit Ghum India Ghum which is a travel agency in delhi for latest travel updates.
According to the revised guidelines, which will supersede the existing guidelines on February 1, 2022, there will be a uniform health protocol applicable to all international travellers. While the requirements for boarding the flight and during the flight will remain the same, international passengers will be subjected to a general thermal screening upon arrival.
According to the new guidelines, 2% of all passengers on a flight will be subjected to a random covid test. The airline companies will identify these passengers to ensure that they are of different nationalities. Passengers are free to leave the airport once the test is completed.
The revised guideline states that if any of the samples tested positive, the traveller and his contacts will be tracked down and dealt with in accordance with the applicable health protocols. However, according to government guidelines, permission to upload the primary vaccination schedule and certificate on Air Suvidha will be granted only if other countries have vaccine reciprocity. There are 82 countries on the list where India has made a reciprocal gesture by recognising citizens’ vaccine certification. The Noida Corporate Suite is best 3 star hotel in noida sector 62
Writer Sarika Chauhan
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